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What to Do About Annie?
Published: 2001-07-31
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
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After winning awards for her delightful historical romances, author Millie Criswell has now turned her talents to contemporary fiction, whipping up delicious confections of romantic mischief filled with refreshing wit and charm. In What to do About Annie? a provocative game of revenge turn...
What to Eat
Published: 2007-04-17
Paperback: 624 pages
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Since its publication in hardcover last year, Marion Nestle's What to Eat has become the definitive guide to making healthy and informed choices about food. Praised as ?radiant with maxims to live by? in The New York Times Book Review and ?accessible, reliable and comprehensive? in The Was...
What to Keep: A Novel
Published: 2005-03-29
Paperback: 320 pages
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Denny Roman at twelve: a midwestern girl with a clueless family, a bit part in the school play, a crush on the drama teacher, and concerns about frontal development. Her mother and father, divorced neuroscientists, are raising her with benign neglect. The family is virtually run by an agor...
What to Look for in Winter: A Memoir in Blindness
Published: 2012-03-20
Hardcover: 464 pages
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"The most startling, discomforting, complicated, ungovernable, hilarious, and heartrending of memoirs" (The Telegraph, london)?the story of a celebrated writer's sudden descent into blindness, and the redemptive journey into the past that her loss of sight sets in motion In 2006 the acc...
What Was Lost
Published: 2008-09-04
Paperback: 256 pages
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What Was She Thinking?: Notes on a Scandal
Published: 2003
Hardcover: 272 pages
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A lonely schoolteacher reveals more than she intends when she records the story of her best friend's affair with a pupil in this sly, insightful novel. "Heller writes with a precision that stirs the blood and an uncommon insight into the darker sides of love."--Nuala O'Faolain.
What We Do Is Secret
Published: 2005-04-12
Paperback: 368 pages
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“Why am I a punk? Because I wasn’t anything before, except different. And now it’s like I’m different, but with a vengeance.” It’s been months since the suicide of Darby Crash, L.A. punk rock icon and lead singer of the Germs. He checked out on the same ...
What We Have: A Family#s Inspiring Story About Love, Loss, and Survival
Published: 2010-08-05
Hardcover: 336 pages
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The stirring true story of a woman who chose fearlessness in the face of a fatal family legacy and discovered the pleasure of living each moment to its fullest At thirty-two, Amy Boesky thought she had it all figured out: a wonderful new man in her life, a great job, and the (nearly) per...
What We Keep
Published: 2002-01-02
Mass Market Paperback: 272 pages
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?BERG KNOWS THE HEARTS OF HER CHARACTERS INTIMATELY, showing them with compassion, humor, and an illuminating generosity.??The Seattle Times?BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN . . . [Ginny Young] crosses the country for a reluctant reunion with the mother she has not seen in 35 years. During the long hou...
What We Keep: A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
Published: 1999-05-25
Paperback: 304 pages
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Do you ever really know your mother, your daughter, the people in your family? In this rich and rewarding new novel by the beloved bestselling author of Talk Before Sleep and The Pull of the Moon, a reunion between two sisters and their mother reveals how the secrets and complexities of th...
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