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What's Your Number?: A Novel
Published: 2011-09-06
Paperback: 368 pages
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How many men does it take to find true love? When Delilah Darling reads a survey revealing that most people have 10.5 sexual partners in their lifetime, she begins to feel like a tramp. She's slept with nineteen men so far??almost twice the national average. During a self-help moment, s...
What's Up Down There?: Questions You'd Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend
Published: 2010-09-28
Paperback: 400 pages
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Suppose you had a wise, warm, funny best friend--who just happened to be a gynecologist. You're out with the girls for cocktails and the conversation turns to sex, and then to girly parts. One by one, you start asking her all the questions you've secretly wondered about--and discover ...
Wheat Belly
Published: 2012
Paperback: 304 pages
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Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
Published: 2014-06-03
Paperback: 304 pages
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Over 200 million Americans consume food products made of wheat every day. As a result, over 100 million experience some form of adverse health effect, ranging from minor rashes to high blood sugar to unattractive stomach bulges preventative cardiologist William Davis calls "wheat bellies."...
The Wheel of Darkness
Published: 2007-08-28
Hardcover: 400 pages
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FBI Special Agent Pendergast is taking a break from work to take Constance on a whirlwind Grand Tour, hoping to give her closure and a sense of the world that she's missed. They head to Tibet, where Pendergast intensively trained in martial arts and spiritual studies. At a remote monaster...
The Wheel of Time (Boxed Set #1)
Published: 1993-10-15
Mass Market Paperback: 2272 pages
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The #1 Internationally Bestselling SeriesThe Wheel of TimeThe Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. Let the dragon ride again on the winds of time.This boxed...
When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: A Memoir of Africa
Published: 2008-04-10
Paperback: 341 pages
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Hailed by reviewers as "powerful," "haunting" and "a tour de force of personal journalism," When A Crocodile Eats the Sun is the unforgettable story of one man's struggle to discover his past and come to terms with his present. Award winning author and journalist Peter Godwin writes with p...
When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn from Nazi Germany
Published: 2010-01-01
Paperback: 148 pages
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Years ago, a cartoon appeared in a Russian newspaper picturing a fork in the road. One path was labeled freedom; the other path was labeled sausage. As we might guess, the path to freedom had few takers; the path to sausage was crowded with footprints. When given a choice people will choos...
When All the World Was Young: A Memoir
Published: 2006-02-21
Paperback: 320 pages
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Acclaimed writer Barbara Holland, whom the Philadelphia Inquirer has called “a national treasure,” finally tells her own story with this atmospheric account of a postwar American childhood. When All the World Was Young is Holland’s account of growing up in Washington, D.C...
When Autumn Leaves: A Novel
Published: 2009-10-06
Kindle Edition: 287 pages
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In Avening, a tiny town on the Pacific coast, it's hard not to believe in magic.This is a town where the shoes in the window always fit, where you can buy a love potion at the corner shop, and where the woods at the outskirts of town just might be the door to another world. And, of course,...
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