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Winter Kisses (Kimani Romance)
Published: 2011-11-15
Mass Market Paperback: 224 pages
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After "the love of her life" broke her heart, Monica Lakefield vowed never to trust a sexy, sweet-talking man again. Dubbed the Ice Queen, she hides her hurt beneath her cool, corporate facade. Until the workaholic Lakefield heiress arrives at an exclusive Aspen resort?and discovers hunky ...
The Winter Lodge (Lakeshore Chronicles)
Published: 2009-12-22
Mass Market Paperback: 416 pages
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On the longest night of the year, Jenny Majesky loses everything in a devastating house fire. But among the ashes she finds an unusual treasure hidden amid her grandfather's belongings, one that starts her on a search for the truth, and on a path toward a life that she never imagined. The ...
Winter Moon: A Novel
Published: 2011-04-26
Mass Market Paperback: 480 pages
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Deepest night, Montana. An eerie light proclaims the arrival of a mysterious watcher in the woods. And one solitary man begins a desperate battle against something unknown?and unknowable.Broad daylight, Los Angeles. An ordinary morning erupts in cataclysmic violence. A young family is shat...
The Winter of Our Disconnect: How One Family Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell
Published: 2011-01
Paperback: 302 pages
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They did it. Could you? For any parent who has ever IM-ed their child to the dinner table - or yanked the modem from its socket in a show of primal parental rage - this account of one family's self-imposed exile from the Information Age will leave you ROFLing (Roll on the Floor Laughing) with recognition....
The Winter of Our Disconnect: How Three Totally Wired Teenagers (and a Mother Who Slept with Her iPhone)Pulled the Plug on Their Technology and Lived to Tell the Tale
Published: 2011-01-20
Paperback: 280 pages
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The wise and hilarious story of a family who discovered that having fewer tools to communicate with led them to actually communicate more. When Susan Maushart first announced her intention to pull the plug on her family's entire armory of electronic weaponry for six months-from the itsy-b...
The Winter of Our Discontent (Penguin Classics)
Published: 2008-08-26
Paperback: 336 pages
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The final novel of one of America’s most beloved writers—a tale of degeneration, corruption, and spiritual crisis In awarding John Steinbeck the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Nobel committee stated that with The Winter of Our Discontent, he had “resumed his position as an in...
Winter of Our Discontent (Penguin Classics (Prebound))
Published: 2008-09
Unknown Binding: 0 pages
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Steinbeck's last great novel focuses on the theme of success and what motivates men towards it. Reflecting back on his New England family's past fortune, and his father's loss of the family wealth, the hero, Ethan Allen Hawley, characterizes success in every era and in all its forms as robbery, murder,...
The Winter of Our Discontent (Penguin Modern Classics)
Published: 2001-05-03
Paperback: 288 pages
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The Winter of Our Discontent
Published: 2008-08-26
Kindle Edition: 292 pages
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The final novel of one of America’s most beloved writers—a tale of degeneration, corruption, and spiritual crisis In awarding John Steinbeck the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Nobel committee stated that with The Winter of Our Discontent, he had “resumed his position as an in...
Winter of the World: Book Two of the Century Trilogy
Published: 2013-08-27
Paperback: 972 pages
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Ken Follett’s Fall of Giants, the first novel in the extraordinary historical epic Century Trilogy, was an international sensation, acclaimed as ?sweeping and fascinating, a book that will consume you for days or weeks” (USA Today). Now Winter of the World picks up right where the fi...
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