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Winter's Bone: A Novel
Published: 2007-07-11
Paperback: 224 pages
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Ree Dolly's father has skipped bail on charges that he ran a crystal meth lab, and the Dollys will lose their house if he doesn't show up for his next court date. With two young brothers depending on her, 16-year-old Ree knows she has to bring her father back, dead or alive. Living in the harsh poverty...
Winter's Tale
Published: 2014-01-07
Paperback: 768 pages
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Now a major motion picture New York Times bestseller "Utterly extraordinary . . . A piercing sense of the beautiful arising from narrative and emotional fantasy is everywhere alive in the novel . . . Not for some time have I read a work as funny, thoughtful, passionate or large-souled . ...
Winter's Tales
Published: 1993-06-01
Paperback: 313 pages
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In Isak Dinesen's universe, the magical enchantment of the fairy tale and the moral resonance of myth coexist with an unflinching grasp of the most obscure human strengths and weaknesses. A despairing author abandons his wife, but in the course of a long night's wandering, he learns love's...
A Winter's Wish
Published: 2008-06-05
Paperback: 116 pages
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The Winthrop Woman: A Novel
Published: 2006-09-01
Paperback: 608 pages
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First published in 1958 and set in the early 17th century, this bestselling novel—and follow-up to Katherine—follows Elizabeth Winthrop, a courageous Puritan woman who finds herself at odds with her heritage and surroundings. A real historical figure, Elizabeth married into the...
Wire to Wire (A Tin House New Voice)
Published: 2011-05-24
Paperback: 375 pages
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Wire to Wire assembles a cast of train-hopping, drug-dealing, glue-huffing lowlifes, tells a harrowing tale of friendship and loss, and creates a stunning portrait of Northern Michigan in the late 1970s.While riding a freight car through Detroit, Michael Slater suffers a near-fatal acciden...
Wired Kingdom
Published: 2010-05-25
Mass Market Paperback: 426 pages
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When a blue whale tagged with a web-cam designed with stolen defense technology broadcasts a brutal murder at sea as part of a television nature program, Special Agent Tara Shores finds herself navigating an ocean of manipulation and deceit in a deadly race to reach the 100-ton creature ro...
Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today
Published: 1991-05-10
Paperback: 224 pages
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Wisdom from Gift from the Sea
Published: 2002-01
Hardcover: 80 pages
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This Petite is our companion piece to our popular Guided Journal, Gift from the Sea, offering more excerpts from the original Anne Morrow Lindbergh bestseller on love, happiness, solitude and contentment. The cover has an elegant translucent vellum overlay, highlighting the beautiful photo...
Wisdom in the Waiting: Spring's Sacred Days
Published: 2004-02
Hardcover: 130 pages
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In her three-book series that spans the liturgical year, renowned author Phyllis Tickle recalls simple stories from life on her familyís farm in Lucy, Tennessee. In spiritually uplifting and nostalgic memoirs, Tickle records the richness of faith in everyday life. Wisdom in the Waiting...
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