
33 reviews

Those Who Save Us
by Jenna Blum

Published: 2005-05-02
Kindle Edition : 482 pages
99 members reading this now
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59 members have read this book
Recommended to book clubs by 32 of 33 members
For fifty years, Anna Schlemmer has refused to talk about her life in Germany during World War II. Her daughter, Trudy, was only three when she and her mother were liberated by an American soldier and went to live with him in Minnesota. Trudy's sole evidence of the past is an old ...
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For fifty years, Anna Schlemmer has refused to talk about her life in Germany during World War II. Her daughter, Trudy, was only three when she and her mother were liberated by an American soldier and went to live with him in Minnesota. Trudy's sole evidence of the past is an old photograph: a family portrait showing Anna, Trudy, and a Nazi officer, the Obersturmfuhrer of Buchenwald.

Driven by the guilt of her heritage, Trudy, now a professor of German history, begins investigating the past and finally unearths the dramatic and heartbreaking truth of her mother's life.

Combining a passionate, doomed love story, a vivid evocation of life during the war, and a poignant mother/daughter drama, Those Who Save Us is a profound exploration of what we endure to survive and the legacy of shame.

Editorial Review

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

Have you ever thought about what would test your mettle in WW2?
Did Anna do the best under the circumstances? Why did she stay??
Did Trudy have a right to know earlier??
by Denisewg (see profile) 06/05/15

We had a great discussion about what it meant to be German-American at around this time in America. Two club memebers are of German descent.
We made comparisons about the value of human life in Germany during WWII and during the period leading up to the Civil War in the US. as well as during the Civil Rights Movement.
by geehanhouse (see profile) 04/27/11

Why do some people deny this ever happened?
by mlloyd32 (see profile) 08/18/10

Why do you think some people deny the Holacaust?
by innismor (see profile) 07/20/09

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

No notes at this time.

Book Club Recommendations

Germany Bakery type foods
by Denisewg (see profile) 06/05/15
Beer, Wine and lots of delicious cookies.

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
by Elaine R. (see profile) 09/13/20

by Elisa J. (see profile) 07/04/20

by Maureen W. (see profile) 06/07/19

by Karen R. (see profile) 09/28/18

  "Informative But Graphic"by Barbara P. (see profile) 10/02/17

The book was interesting and the characters well drawn, but there were a lot of gaps in the story that left us wanting answers. There also were more graphic bedroom scenes than were necessary for us to... (read more)

by Heidi S. (see profile) 08/17/17

by Jean Marie L. (see profile) 06/20/17

  "Those Who Saved Us"by Denise G. (see profile) 06/05/15

If you ever wondered what you personally would do in WW2 - Read this book - the lengths the Mother goes to save and try and raise her baby is amazing. Makes you think of how many other untold stories... (read more)

by Pat S. (see profile) 10/18/14

by Nelson K. (see profile) 10/10/14

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