
15 reviews

Gray Mountain: A Novel
by John Grisham

Published: 2014-10-21
Hardcover : 384 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 10 of 15 members
John Grisham has a new hero . . . and she’s full of surprises

The year is 2008 and Samantha Kofer’s career at a huge Wall Street law firm is on the fast track—until the recession hits and she gets downsized, furloughed, escorted out of the building. Samantha, though, is one of the ...
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John Grisham has a new hero . . . and she’s full of surprises

The year is 2008 and Samantha Kofer’s career at a huge Wall Street law firm is on the fast track—until the recession hits and she gets downsized, furloughed, escorted out of the building. Samantha, though, is one of the “lucky” associates. She’s offered an opportunity to work at a legal aid clinic for one year without pay, after which there would be a slim chance that she’d get her old job back.

In a matter of days Samantha moves from Manhattan to Brady, Virginia, population 2,200, in the heart of Appalachia, a part of the world she has only read about. Mattie Wyatt, lifelong Brady resident and head of the town’s legal aid clinic, is there to teach her how to “help real people with real problems.” For the first time in her career, Samantha prepares a lawsuit, sees the inside of an actual courtroom, gets scolded by a judge, and receives threats from locals who aren’t so thrilled to have a big-city lawyer in town. And she learns that Brady, like most small towns, harbors some big secrets.

Her new job takes Samantha into the murky and dangerous world of coal mining, where laws are often broken, rules are ignored, regulations are flouted, communities are divided, and the land itself is under attack from Big Coal. Violence is always just around the corner, and within weeks Samantha finds herself engulfed in litigation that turns deadly.

Editorial Review

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

What did you learning about mineing?
Did you like the young lawyer
What was you reaction to abuse wife going back to her hubby
by Alieda (see profile) 09/20/17

1) Did the premise for Samantha Kofer’s journey to the Mountain Legal Aid Clinic in Brady, Virginia seem plausible for 2008?
2) Samantha has several role models she can follow… her father, her mother, Mattie Wyatt, Donovan Gray, Andy Grubman. Who do you think she will model as her career continues?
How much did you learn about coal mining or living in Appalachia? Is Grisham effective in his weaving of facts within the overall story narrative?
by bkmnmpl (see profile) 09/29/15

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

No notes at this time.

Book Club Recommendations

by Alieda (see profile) 09/20/17
Maybe you could service peach cobber or some other southern dessert.

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
by Jennifer M. (see profile) 04/01/20

  "Gary Mountain"by Alieda K. (see profile) 09/20/17

This was a informative fun read. I like the young lady lawyer very much and I also learn something about mineing.

by Alexandra E. (see profile) 01/29/16

  "A Tale Of Coal"by Debby C. (see profile) 12/04/15

I was immediately drawn in to the story of coal and the struggle of miners and their families. Great story, with a fantastic Grisham attorney twist. I loved the book, felt the end was rus... (read more)

  "Gray Mountain"by Brenda M. (see profile) 09/29/15

This was normal Grisham style with a great cast of characters and a plausible storyline. What sets this title apart is the strong female lead. I really enjoyed this title, and I recommend to both Grisham... (read more)

by Judy W. (see profile) 09/29/15

by Mary Jane L. (see profile) 09/18/15

  "Gray Mountain"by Annette M. (see profile) 09/02/15

Not a great Grisham book. Too much time spent on a cause and not enough on the story line.

  "Gray Mountain"by Betsy S. (see profile) 06/30/15

I am a Grisham fan. However, even though this book is very informative and insightful regarding coal mining and Appalachia, it left much to be desired. I felt it left you with many questions and that... (read more)

  "Boring!"by Nadia A. (see profile) 06/28/15

I usually love John Grisham but this was a big disappointment. The main character was boring and the book was slow. Normally I'm hooked after a few chapters in other Grisham novels. It just felt like all... (read more)

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